I could get used to this

Feels like the beach to me.  I'm easy to please.

If it weren't for that dratted telephone pole. 

There's a rocking chair, a zero gravity chair and a good upright hardback chair out of rattan. It's always in the shade and when you get fed up, you go for a toddle around the garden and eat a few strawberries, gooseberries or whatever is in season. Check on the progress of the dahlia's and get back up on the porch.

Plus, you get on with your reading or knitting very nicely. 

In knitting, the scalloped edging of the Cobweb Crepe style baby blanket is chugging along. I could finish the Big Baby and Big Swatch sleeves quite quickly if I put my mind to it. Hah, hah.

I've been thinking about next projects. I'd love to get back to a large lace shawl. I've been thinking about Gladys Amedro's Sheelagh Shawl. Can't find a good picture of it on the web, but here's the Ravelry link. I just love the way the Print of the Wave outer border flows all the way around it uninterruptedly. Also, there is such a variety of patterns in it - this is important. Won't fall asleep knitting this. 


Helen said…
I've got your view on my desktop now and I don't mind the telegraph pole at all. Please take up the Big Swatch again: I want to see how it looks finished. That Gladys Amedro shawl is just scary.
Susan said…
I have had the book on my shelf for years. Recently I bought the yarn I just need the "oomph" to get started. * smile *
I heard recently that the book sold for $95USD on e bay !!!!!

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