Ah, youth!

The young can get away with so much, can't they?

The description for this photo, originally published in the Rochester Herald on September 22nd, 1918, reads:

"Russell Dean of the U. S. Navy is the winner of the 100-yard swim in the city swim meet. He wears a garter-stitch knit sleeveless top in this waist-length portrait."

Credits: From the Albert R. Stone Negative Collection, Rochester Museum & Science Center Rochester, N.Y.
You gotta love libraries!

If you click on the image, you can see the knitting better. Wonder if he knit it himself?


Helen said…
My first guess is that it was knitted by one of his adoring female relations, of which I'm sure he had many, but I suppose it could have been part of a knitting-for-the-forces drive and might have been knitted by someone who never had the pleasure of seeing him wear it. Great photo.

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