Noro Nightcap

Yes I did.

Can you recognize the 1840 Nightcap pattern in this winter hat? As Franklin suggests in the pattern instructions, there are many possibilities. I made a few modifications.

The yarn is some kind of Noro, knit with a strand of Be Sweet Extra Fine Mohair. I'll have to look at the tag to see exactly which kind. It's around here somewhere. Oh. Oh. Oh.

The hat is knit over 91 stitches. I tucked up the edging and hemmed it under so that it looks like it's peeking out from underneath the brim. I used the double knitting stitch on page 26 of Barbara Walker's First Treasury to knit a hatband out of some leftover Regia Silk sock yarn. When the band got to be about two inches wide, I knit the live stitches of the band onto the inside of the hat, along the edge of the folded brim, taking care to spread the finer gauge stitches of the band evenly around the bigger gauge knitting of the hat itself.

Knitting this hatband was very fiddly. The double knit stitch has two rows over an odd number of stitches. The first row is k1, sl1, end k1. The second row is k1, p1, end k1. It seems to grow very slowly because of the row with the slipped stitches. Try this with leftover sock yarn on size 2 mm needles. Gads. It's like knitting your own waistband elastic. The resulting fabric is luscious and thick, however. Just the thing to keep the ears warm.

For the peak, I did a four point decrease. Here it is stretched over the fruit bowl...

And that Russian knitting news I posted about last time? Nasty business that. Reminds us not to take our knitting too seriously.

I only have one project on the go for a Christmas present so I'm not under too much pressure. It's Veronik Avery's Ribbon Lace scarf from the Spring 2008 Knitty. I'm using Malabrigo Lace yarn. Veronik says says it's a small project and equates it to sock knitting - something you could take out and knit when you have just a few minutes. I'm not finding that. It's taken me quite a while to memorize the pattern completely. I need a cheat sheet for it.

Makes me want to get shod of some of these cardigans that are weighing on my conscience and get back to lace shawl knitting.


Helen said…
A Noro nightcap? You've crossed to the other side, the dark side. There is no return.

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