Getting in the mood
We had some intense snow yesterday but we were OK as we only live 8 minutes drive from work and have 4 wheel drive. If we had to we could have slogged home on foot. Personally, I love the snow. I do. Today, the sun came out and we enjoyed a bit of shoveling.

Then we drove out to get an Xmas tree.
The prices have really gone up so we just go a smallish one that sits on a table top, just big enough to create the right atmosphere. At Powell's out on Marsh Road, they had a lovely fire going inside where you go to pay for your tree. I took some discarded branches to make a wreath for the front door.
Finally I could avoid it no longer and have started to clean the house. In the process of cleaning downstairs, I went through about 6 bags of knitting that were stuffed into nooks and crannies around the couch and put away a rather precarious pile of books and magazines. I found a tape measure (always a good thing), a tube of toothpaste and a shameful amount of yarn leftovers. I straightened out all the wips and put them in their own cloth bags which I then stuffed back behind the couch. Hah!