
Wedgette is a pattern that Berroco designer Nora Gaughan is currently developing for her Ravelry Fan club to celebrate reaching 2000 members. It also appears on the Berroco design blog. You can see a drawing of it there. 

So far, we have the pattern instructions for the bottom half of the cardigan only. It will have an empire waist (shades of Jane Austen). The "skirt" section is knit sideways starting at the center front and working around back around to the other side of the front. The slight flare is created by knitting short rows similar to those in Berroco's Wedge Scarf.  

I'm using Cashsoft DK rather than Berroco's new yarn, Inca Gold as suggested. I'm enjoying the knitting very much and also the excitement of seeing the design evolve. At least two different versions have emerged. The first has a gentle flare like some of Nora's other designs such as the Eastlake sweater. The second has a more exaggerated flare. One person has introduced different colours for the different sections and varying lace stitches. I'm sticking with the original version.

I'm nearing the end of the "skirt" section and I'll be anxiously awaiting further instruction soon! So far, it's been a very portable project - easy to put down and pick up. You can easily count the rows in each section to figure out where you left off. The wedges consist of one inch garter stitch sections on either side of a simple lace pattern. Each "wedge" is separated by a plain stocking stitch separator. The short rows that create the flare are done in the lace sections. The stitch changes result in a scalloped effect along the lower edge. 

Today I took my Wedgette on a mushrooming expedition in Letchworth State Park.

There were plenty of mushrooms, many poisonous. My husband, who has been picking and eating mushrooms since he was a child managed to find some edible ones. He is very careful. Here are some that looked striking. I kept wishing Patti Blaine with her fantastic camera and photography skills was with us, but alas, these are my best shots...


Oh, and best of all, we kept seeing these tiny Red Spotted Newts Where's Patti when you need her?

We must have seen 6 or 7 in different places.

We ate lunch and I had a nice sit down with the Wedgette while the hunt continued.


Helen said…
I've given you the 'I Love Your Blog' award. See for the obligations this puts you under :)
Marjorie said…
That looks like a nice sweater. I like the color you chose. That is one Ravelry group I missed--I'll have to check it.
Mary Lou said…
Ok, nice sweater but the name sounds like something we did in high school...
Raveller said…
Hee, hee, Mary Lou, I didn't want to be the one to say it, but yes, the name is a bit unfortunate. Helen

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