A Busy Week and an Aword

It's been a busy week. I have socks to make. I also did a lot of work on the Pine Tree Palatine shawl, but I've had to put it aside. It was hard to put it down. Too hard. In fact, was having a very difficult time parting from it each evening and not much else was getting done. I'm still on the last wedge of the Wedgette cardigan skirt - awaiting further instructions from Nora Gaughan.

Meanwhile, the Fingerlakes Fiber Festival has come and gone for another year. I love this festival. It's a manageable size and it's fun. You always see lots of local people that you know and have a chance to catch up. The weather Saturday was perfect.

While there, I purchased a quarter pound (ca 3800 yards) of laceweight mohair for $11. It is suffused with a strong scent of lavender, which leads me to wonder about the M word, but nevermind. I put it to immediate use in one of the socks. See, I'm knitting it in with the sock yarn (Wildfoote). The shade of the sock yarn is called "Blue Flannel" - it's in the royal blue family and the mohair is a kind of blue-green gray. I added the mohair after I finished knitting the cuff and the resulting combination is warm, fuzzy and mottled looking. Mmmm.

I also bought the book Favorite Mittens, by Robin Hansen. This is a paperback which brings together selected patterns from the author's earlier volumes on mittens, "Fox & Geese and Fences" and "Flying Geese and Partridge Feet," both of which are now out of print but available on Amazon for prices ranging from $5 to $500 (raised eyebrows). Should be fun to knit some of these mitten patterns particularly with this fine mohair in combination with another yarn.

Helen of Chronic Knitting Syndrome gave me the "I love your blog" award, which I have redesigned in my own clumsy fashion based on a LOLcats picture. Now I have to nominate four blogs. Ack. I'm not even going t look and see if they've already gotten it. As Helen says, this is very time consuming, tho' fun.

I am going to give this to Cheviots for one. I love her down to earth posts about her generous knitting for others, not to mention the great name of the blog itself. 
Also A Stricke who wrote such interesting posts about knitting in Russia and who has a great middle name! 
Patti's Purling Place for Patti's great photography and frequent posting. 
And, Primetime Knitter, from whom I always learn something valuable and interesting.

Here's to you all.... now you know what to do...nominate 4 blogs that u luv!


shandy said…
Oh, Helena! I'm really touched. I enjoyed checking out your other awardees.

My blog is called Cheviots because when I was a child my family had a small hill-farm in Cumbria. My father, who always trod his own path, kept Cheviots rather than the Herdwicks which were championed by Beatrix Potter among others.

I've checked with the Post Office and they say 12 weeks is not unusual. Just as well it's not winter yet!

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