Winter, dark, grey winter shrouded the whole land...and then came a parcel from my pal Mityka!

The first Ravelry scarf exchange began last year and I joined it. I had never participated in a knitting exchange before. It was very much like the pen pals we used to get when we were kids. Someone is assigned to you and you write them a letter and get a letter back. Except in this case it involved a scarf (and other goodies) and you knit for one person while another person knits for you. And what knitting it is. Well.

I knit for Mikkers and Mityka knit for me. You can read about what I knit for Mikkers on her blog, here.

Now let me know you how Mityka has spoiled me. I am completely overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness and generosity! What a beautiful scarf and what lovely necklace, bracelet and shawl pin! And she has made all these beautiful things and on top of that, she also sent a box of Hungarian chocolates. She is very talented, don't you think? Here's the scarf she sent with the pin...


The colours match perfectly with so many things that I have knit recently, witness...

The pin and necklace look very nice on my Orenburg triangle:


...and on the Bubble Bath shawl as well...


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