Catching Up

I'm still plugging away at the Swing Jacket and the GS Catharina shawl, both of which I had expected to be finished with by now. I've re-knit the two fronts of the jacket and cast on for the back, finally. I managed this while waiting at the the Waterloo Outlets. I had 1.5 hours of straight knitting, surrounded by serious consumers, many shopping for back to school items. A band struck up, playing Beatles tunes for the shoppers. And there I was in blue jeans, wearing that blue mesh summer top that I knit earlier this month and a wide brimmed hat. Even my knitting was blue. Felt like a prop for the band. Hmmph.

Here's the beginning of the end of the GS Catharina shawl - finally the edging has begun!

Thanks, Ms Marty. I keep trying to make it to the Seward House there, but I always get distracted along the route and run out of time. Yesterday, we walked on the wonderful pier.

Is there a yarn shop in Auburn? Talk about yarn shops, I recently heard that there's a new shop in Warsaw, NY named the Dancing Goat that was recently opened by 2 people returning to the area from NYC.


Helen said…
I don't know what I'm more confused by, that Warsaw is in Wyoming or that Wyoming is in NY :)
Mary Lou said…
Isn't it a shame there are so many spots like that I never get to. But with a yarn shop there as well, it should be extra motivation.
Raveller said…
Warsaw, Wyoming, heck, we have Rome, Paris and probably London too.

Gotta get to that yarn shop in Warsaw for sure!
Miss Marty said…
You asked if there is a yarn shop in Auburn, there will be by mid month. All Tied Up Yarns is the name. On State Street next to Nashs. Hopefully by 09/15/10

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