And on and on...

Re the comments

Mary Lou, I keep hearing about the article in Piecework. Must have a look. 

Anonymous points out thatTKGA will be in Buffalo this August, and Galina will be there? Well, we are lucky then. There's something about the show here.

Jasmin - Yes, I really do think that interviews of this kind are definitely worth preserving. The Internet Archive can be hit and miss, but more and more, libraries are subscribing to software like Archiv-it that help them collect and preserve web sites. There's some knitting content there, but I wonder if there is a library that has decided to collect knitting sites in particular. What's that British library with the big knitting/fibre collection? Anyway, Jasmin, thanks again for the podcasts!

More Iceland

On Tuesday we had a super 6 km hike in the hills behind the H. golf course. There were warm springs and pools and there was supposed to be somewhere you could bathe, but frankly it was too cold so I satisfied myself with taking off my shoes and socks and wading in the warm water.

The following day, we hopped in the car and drove the south coast roads west to Seltun, Grindavik and on to the Blue Lagoon. It was slow going because we didn't have a 4 wheel drive, but we were careful and the car was OKAY. Going slow meant that I got a good look at the lava formations along the way. Black lava, green moss. Mmmm.

In Grindavik there was a lovely white cat behind a window, and a little black dog that accompanied us around the town. No yarn until Thursday.


GJabouri said…
Hi, I took Galina's week-long class at Lacis in Berkeley this February - it was definitely worth it. The article in PieceWork is about her mentor, and includes a simple "warm shawl" pattern. The construction of a "warm shawl" is different from a "gossamer" shawl. I have more details about the class on my blog: (go to the February entry "Lace-Making Retreat at Lacis Report").

I LOVE your pictures from Iceland - it must have been a wonderful trip ... what was the average temperature?
Take care, Gabriele

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