Thanks, everyone for your comments. It's so good to hear from you. September will stand as the peak month of 2012 in my mind, but hey, what happened to October and November? I find that if I don't mark the time in some way, it is hard for me to remember much that happened, or if I remember an event, a vacation, a visit, a walk, etc, then I can't remember when it happened. What would I remember of my knitting projects if I didn't track them on Ravelry? It doesn't bear thinking about. Sorry for bringing it up. Earlier today, I browsed through my photos to garner some hints about what went on in October/November, with little success. All I have to show are a few blurry shots of half finished objects and some hackneyed nature scenes. In October I gathered these seeds from the special Russian radishes (red'ka) that we grew from seed this year. The radishes were spectacular, unlike everything else that I tried to grow. I'm hoping that the seeds will...