
Thanks, everyone for your comments. It's so good to hear from you.

September will stand as the peak month of 2012 in my mind, but hey, what happened to October and November? I find that if I don't mark the time in some way, it is hard for me to remember much that happened, or if I remember an event, a vacation, a visit, a walk, etc, then I can't remember when it happened. What would I remember of my knitting projects if I didn't track them on Ravelry? It doesn't bear thinking about. Sorry for bringing it up. 

Earlier today, I browsed through my photos to garner some hints about what went on in October/November, with little success. All I have to show are a few blurry shots of half finished objects and some hackneyed nature scenes.

In October I gathered these seeds from the special Russian radishes (red'ka) that we grew from seed this year. The radishes were spectacular, unlike everything else that I tried to grow. I'm hoping that the seeds will sprout more plants next year.

Both October and November were beautiful months in Western New York.

Here is what the south coast of Lake Ontario looks like. Big beach. Big water.

I wish that I had kept a better picture of this project. It's a shawl that I knit for my Auntie Margaret. It turned out so well, it's lucky that it made it into the mail. I used two different colours of Malabrigo Silky Merino, the perfect soft yarn to place near your neck. I knit it without a pattern, but I was inspired by looking at photos of Veera Välimäki's 3/4 Hap shawl. It's a fairly traditional style. My version has a quasi Stahmanesque beginning.

Somewhere in there, I tested a pattern, Hunter's Moon for Eileen Vito, aka Ironknitter. I had never knit a bottom up shawl before. The idea of casting on hundreds of stitches and working your way down to zero really appeals to me. Just think, you get past the seemingly endless portion of the knitting at the beginning of the pattern rather than running into it at the end. This pattern has a lovely, gently wavy edging.

A friend broke some bones in her foot at some point and got a cast. I knit her this cast sock.

I knit my sister these silk fingerless mittens. She picked the yarn. I just knit them.

And finally, I ordered a new black coat online. When it arrived, I found it to have magenta peeking out from the lining. This called for a Madelinetosh scarf.

Other things doubtless took place as well. What they were will be lost in time.


shandy said…
Love that magenta shawl. You have been very productive.
Mary Lou said…
What a busy little bee you have been! When I had a cast I only made myself a toe cover, that sock is a bit classier.
Helen said…
What a lot of lovely things. The shawl for your new coat is my favourite. I'm totally with you on the memory front, can't remember the names of any books or films at all - 'the one with that guy with the red hair' - I sound more like my mother every day.

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