Where I am

I'm up in Montreal for a family emergency. I'm staying in a house with moths that are only kinda, sorta under control. Wah!

I thought it wise only to bring sock yarn to knit with. I'm finishing the toe on the first pair now - it will go as a thank you gift. It's fun to be back in Montreal though. I lived here for almost 20 years. If only I could get out of the house! Nevermind. Will do so soon! I hope to visit the sale at Chez Mouliné.

Best wishes and happy holidays to everyone!


Mary Lou said…
Oh dear - hope things improve and moths don't take up residence in your suitcase. Happy Holidays to you.
practical katie said…
Is that really a picture of N's apartment???
Raveller said…
ha, ha, definitely no apartment. I was desperate for an image. It's an old picture from a place in Rochester where you buy xmas trees. You pick out your tree and then go inside and pay and there's a roaring fire and all kinds of xmas stuff. I think I posted it last year too.
Helen said…
Happy Christmas, and I the emergencies subside soon.

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