Even Warmer Under the Coat

OKAY, I had to promise to make dinner in order to get my husband to take these photos. And I did too. Ginger carrot soup and pork medallions with the sh-te pounded out of them. Why is it so hard to get men to take photos of knitting?  

Sorry I had to crop the rest of these photos the way I did, but by the end of the day, I'm lucky if I get one picture of myself where I don't look completely shattered.

I was very encouraged by the compliments I got at work. Yes, I wore it under my coat, but then I wore it just like this all day and people who don't usually comment unless they really like something were saying, "well done." That was nice.

It wore well, stayed in place, looked great over a black shirt and proved especially practical as the thermostat in my office has been officially turned down to save energy. I think this would be a great warm-up garment for people who work in store fronts, cafes or plain freezing offices.

Here's the back:

Another of the front. It's hard to tell, but the small lace edging hangs just over the shoulder:

And, Yarnerinas here are a couple of under the coat shots. I know, they're not very good pictures, but they're the best I have, unless you want to wait until pigs fly... Here you can see how the collar spreads out. I did the this by casting on with a larger needle and changing to successively smaller needles until I reached the place where the collar joins the body. In fact, I started with 6 mm/10 US and worked down to 3.25 mm/3 US over 7 inches of K1P1 ribbing.

Lastly, I realize that you can't see the lace edging in the other pics, so here it is blocking. It Is the Smallest Points stitch from Martha Waterman's Traditional Lace Shawls (p. 77) for those who care about these things. Click to embiggen.


Helen said…
That border is very pretty. I do like black and brown. The border on my second Pinwheel sapped my strength to a degree I hadn't anticipated, and discouraged me from seeing borders in my future, but they do look lovely.
Xxx. Xxxx said…
It's lovely, Helen. I love the word embiggen and the fluidity of the language that allows it to become!
Mary Lou said…
Very cozy looking indeed. I'll take your photo if you make me a snack, never mind dinner.
Marjorie said…
It looks great--I can see why you got all the compliments.

I have the same problem, and I'm trying to enlist DS to take some pics instead of DH, who seems baffled by all the buttons on my new camera and can't focus it. I'm about to order a remote and a tripod.

I have a gadget that allows you to open a jar if you don't have much hand strength, and I call it "the substitute for a man". I think the tripod and remote are also in that category.
62mockingbirds said…
Any time you need knitting pictures taken come on down and I'll gladly take them. That way I can pick your brain on how to fix whatever knitting project I am in the process of screwing up.


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