Happy New Year

I'm in Montreal, writing on someone else's laptop so no pictures. I'm knitting the last toe on the last plain sock of the year and I have plenty of knitting dreams for the New Year.

1) Finish some projects like the Storm Water shawl and Citron.Those are the most likely to be done soon.
2) Less likely, but no less desirable to finish - the Pine Tree Palatine and the second of two lace curtains out of the pale green Icelandic yarn.
3) Mittens. I'd like to practice some new mitten techniques. Before I left the house I was flipping through Favorite Mittens: Fox and Geese and Fences by Robin Hansen and thought I might experiment with different fibres on the Double Rolled mittens on page 36. I'd like to start early and have a pile of mittens to give as presents and donate to the Rochester Mitten Drive next winter.
4) I really like the Yarn Harlot's reflections on knitting a pair of socks each month. By the end of the year, she had 6 pairs to give as presents and 6 for herself. Nice.
5) I'd like to make a garment for myself that fits and can be worn to work.
6) Mend Nadia's fingerless mitts that she loves so much.
7) Make myself some gloves.
8) I'd like to enjoy my knitting and balance obligation with pleasure.

This is what I'm thinking about just now, but the longer I think the more projects come to mind. I'll stop before I depress myself.

Happy New Year!


Mary Lou said…
Happy New Year Helen, these seem like worthy and not overambitious knitting resolutions. Except maybe the gloves. Have a big piece of tourtiere for me.
Raveller said…
Best wishes! Well, I've done no. 6 - mended my daughter's mitts. I don't like to make ambitious resolutions. Maybe I'll surprise myself....

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